God commands His people to be diligent to love Him and to teach their children in His Word and His ways (Deuteronomy 6:4-7). This critical responsibility is essential for continuance, success and well-being. This eternal truth remains the same today.
Parents are responsible to teach and train their children while the local church supports this task. The Christian English School of Torino (CES-to) is committed to coming alongside Christian families and churches in accomplishing this crucial command from God.
As our culture drifts from its biblical foundations, today’s educational systems have either neglected and at times opposed the biblical principles to which God so wants us to cling. This has motivated interest in the Christian English School of Torino, a Christian school for children from preschool and kindergarten, eventually through highschool. This school will be a fully accredited educational program, replacing the public-school educational process, with a biblical and character-based educational program in English, taught by mother-tongue teachers.
Mission, Vision and Core Values Feasibility Study Start-up Phase Statement of Faith