Mission, Vision and Core Values

Our VISION is to start the CES-to on a solid foundation for the future, to secure an excellent staff, partnerships with churches, and accreditations from both Christian and secular associations, while providing excellent education from a Biblical perspective at a cost that families can afford.
Core Values – These are the guiding principles we will use while working toward our Mission and Vision:
  • To always conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of our calling in Christ, doing all for the glory of God;
  • To always hold fast to the Gospel of grace and Biblical principles as of preeminent importance;
  • To be committed to obedience-based biblical education, practicing love and unity with humility, faithfulness and service;
  • To collaborate with families and churches who are ultimately responsible for the training and education of their children; and
  • To provide the highest quality of education, with accreditations, so as to prepare students for university and to prepare both students and families to effectively represent Christ, His Gospel and His truth to the world.

Feasibility Study                     Start-up Phase                     Statement of Faith