CES-to Kids' Clubs

Kids’ Clubs will be the CES-to focus for the 2024 – 2025 accademic year.  These clubs will meet weekly and will be in English, which will help transition non-English speaking children to a primarily English educational classroom.  The teaching format will incorporate “Content and language integrated learning” (CLIL), which is an approach for learning content through an additional language (foreign or second), thus teaching both the subject and the language.  There will be two groups which will serve children from 3 – 11 years of age.

On Saturday, September 28 (09:30 – 12:00) the Kids’ Clubs will start with a free meeting for the children and informational details for the parents.  Kids’ Clubs will incorporate a character / biblical content as well as didactic subjects such as language arts, science and mathematics.  The schedule will generally be weekly on Thursday evenings (16:30-18:00), with one Saturday per month (09:30-12:00), when outdoor or special activities will be planned.

For questions and additional information click HERE

There will be two sessions for the Kids’ Clubs, the first from October through January, and the second from February to May.  Each session will cost 100 Euro to partially cover the expenses and supplies.  Each student will receive a Christian English School t-shirt and will receive a merit badge on their shirt after completing each of the Biblical character quality.  Parents will receive monthly informational sheet on how to reinforce each character quality into their normal family life and meals.

The capacity for each Kids’ Club group will be 12 students and registration is required (Click HERE).