Admissions Process

Enrollment Process

The process for enrolling your child (children) in the Christian English School of Torino (CES-to) requires submission of an application and acceptance by the school.  In order to send your children to CES-to, it is necessary for the family to become a member of the “Associatione Christian English School of Torino E.T.S”.  The costs for tuition and fees are described below.  Membership fees as well as tuition costs may qualify for a deduction from income taxes.  The application process can be completed using the links below. 

Tuition and Fees:

Students enrolled in the Christian English School of Torino will incur the following tuition and fees which are donated to the association on an annual or monthly basis:

Costs for TuitionMonthly DonationNo. of MonthsAnnual Donation2
 – First child   
Regular Price485 €115,335 €
Partner Church Member 1390€114,290 €
 – Subsequent Children   
Regular Price365 €114,015 €
Partner Church Member 1290 €113,190 €
1 Members or regular attenders of a church who is a partner church with CES-to may receive a tuition reduction of 100 € per month per child, provided they are donating at least one hundred Euro per month to their church.  To qualify for this possible reduction, it is necessary to complete an Application for Partner Church Reduction and be approved by CES-to.
2 Families can decide to pay either monthly or annually.  Monthly payments are due on the 5th of each month (September through June).  Annual payments are due by September 5 and receive a 2% discount for the lump sum payment instead of making monthly payments.

In addition to the tuition, families of enrolled students also need to pay a enrollment fee and heating costs.  The enrollment fee is due upon acceptance in order to secure the position among the limited number of openings.  Fees are as follows:

Fees for each registered child

Membership fee

50 € per year (one per family)

Registration fee

300 € per year per child


Actual costs, estimated at 250 €/year/child

Optional fees may also apply to enrolled students for optional services or activities

Optional Fees

Special Educational Materials

Actual costs as incurred

Periodic Field Trips

Actual costs as incurred


Estimated at 7.00 € a day

Pre- and Post- school care

To be determined

Tuition Assistance is available for a limited number of qualified families.  See “Tuition Assistance” for the application and requirements to qualify for tuition assistance.

Resources for Parents                     Tuition Assistance                     Transportation