Service Opportunities for Families in Torino
Families in Torino and families of students enrolled in the Christian English School of Torino have greater opportunity to be actively involved with the day-to-day events of the school. Servants can participate in one or more of the following opportunities. By clicking on the options below you will find a brief description of the particular service opportunity.
The time investment varies for the various service opportunities. Parents of enrolled students are highly encouraged to serve in one or more of the service opportunities, ideally in accordance with your specific interest and gifts. In the enrollment process for students, there will be a specific question as to how parents desire to serve in the school. As parents actively serve in the Christian English School of Torino, it helps reduce the educational costs for the students’ enrollment, and further set the example for service within the family.
Service Opportunities for Families in Torino
Teacher Assistant Teacher Facility Maintenance Events Organizer Social Media Manager Partnership Coordinator